Your way to SAP S/4HANA
GAMBIT's six-point roadmap program

GAMBIT's six-point roadmap program
If a roadmap program for SAP S/4HANA only deals with technical issues, then that is clearly not enough. A cost- and time-intensive project like SAP S/4HANA requires much more.
Before getting started, companies should therefore clarify key questions in order to arrive at a suitable roadmap.
In our white paper, you will learn, among other things
- how to create the basis for a valid and secure roadmap,
- which aspects you should pay particular attention to and
- why questions about the future IT architecture and the strategic goals of your company play a central role.

Whitepaper "Your way to SAP S/4HANA"
Contents of the case study
Planning the switch to SAP S/4HANA is not easy. In this case study, we present our approach in the preparation phase.
As part of a preliminary study, we first focus on six aspects that are crucial to the subsequent success of SAP S/4HANA - from cost and effort planning, strategy and risks to project and IT organization.
A good preliminary analysis should provide a company with the right answers to help avoid problems and misunderstandings later on during implementation.
However, limiting the changeover to the "color" (greenfield, brownfield or bluefield) is not very helpful. More important are questions about the added value that results from the investment in SAP S/4HANA or about the opportunities that a future-oriented target architecture opens up.

Meinolf Schäfer, Senior Director Sales & Marketing
If you would like to find out what your personal path to SAP S/4HANA looks like, please contact me.+49 2241 8845-623