
“Real growth potential is rare. You have to use it when it's there.”

Team mario baldi 1

“Real growth potential is rare. You have to use it when it's there.”

Traveling around the world is a dream that many people want to fulfill once in their lives. Mario has already made this journey twice. From Frankfurt to Istanbul and on to Singapore, Tokyo, New York and many other places. “And all in just two to three weeks,” says Mario.

In his opinion, stress only arises during such an undertaking if you focus on it. “Stress is not the main focus for me. Traveling the world gives you the opportunity to gain an incomparable perspective.”

This understanding of different countries, their customs and markets runs through Mario's entire career, from the Japanese technology group Fujitsu to positions at SAP and the consulting firm Scheer.

“When you get to know a new market, you have to be open-minded,” says Mario. “You have to accept the location for what it is. There's always a reason for the issues you encounter - and you have to explore that reason if you want to be successful.”

And how does Mario like to spend his free time when he's traveling? “I look at important buildings. Architecture interests me immensely, especially the Bauhaus style,” he says. “The buildings are linear and simple in design. But the apparent simplicity is actually where the complexity lies.”

Mario Baldi has been part of the GAMBIT management team since June 2024. His core task is to drive the company's international growth.

Marios points of view

Human factor

What Mario loves so much about GAMBIT is the people. “There are a lot of people working in this company who not only have expertise, but also great potential.”

Family factor

Mario prefers to devote the free time he has left over from his demanding working day to his family. “I have three children,” says Mario. “And I love them more than anything.”

Locality factor

To understand a new market, Mario believes you need a mixture of factual knowledge and empathy. “I have to be able to empathize with the circumstances of a country if I want to understand it.”

Chaos factor

When you travel to a foreign country, you have to take it as it is. “I can't travel to Naples and then complain about the chaos there,” he says. “I have to get involved with the place I'm in.”