What is a Buy Side Due Diligence?
If the buyer commissions the due diligence examination, this is referred to as a "buy-side due diligence".
The purchase of a company or part of a company is not without risks. In orderto keep the risks for the buyer as low as possible, a careful examination andevaluation of the target company is necessary ("due diligence"). This isparticularly true with regard to the performance or compatibility of IT.
If the buyer commissions such an examination and has it carried out by hisown experts, experts speak of the so-called "Buy Side Due Diligence". The aim of the buyer is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the object of purchasebefore the conclusion of the purchase. In this way, they can better assess risksand opportunities and determine the bid price even more precisely.
Meinolf Schäfer, Senior Director Sales & Marketing
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