SAP C4C (SAP Hybris Cloud for customer)
With the SAP C4C solution, companies are moving their CRM to the cloud. You can read in this article how the system presents itself in detail and which advantages it offers. Find out more now!
What is SAP C4C?
SAP C4C is the abbreviation for SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer. This is a cloud-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software from SAP. The core taskof the system is therefore the optimal design of customer relationships. The targetgroups of SAP C4C are therefore all areas of the company that have contact pointswith customers - essentially sales, marketing and service. SAP Hybris Cloud forCustomer ensures that these areas work together across departments to ensure aconsistent customer approach.
SAP C4C follows the Mobile First approach proclaimed by SAP to better meet themodern requirements of sales and service. The CRM solution thus makes allinformation available on the move via mobile devices. At the same time, during thedevelopment, emphasis was placed on simple operation (Fiori design), so that mobileinformation acquisition is possible even without special prior knowledge.
What components and functions does SAP C4C consist of?
The SAP C4C solution consists of two modules that can be used separately ortogether:
- SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales
- SAP Hybris Cloud for Service
SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales addresses sales, while SAP Hybris Cloud for Serviceprovides tools for service-relevant processes. In the following we describe the twocomponents in detail.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales
As part of the SAP C4C solution, SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales focuses on sales support. An important function is to provide the sales staff with all relevant information for a successful customer contact in a simple way and regardless of location. This data includes sales, open offers, opportunities, contact persons, service processes and orders placed. An SAP ERP, for example, can serve as a data source. However, it is not only possible to retrieve data, but also to record it on a mobile basis. Some application examples for this are the photographing or scanning of business cards, the collection of visit reports or simply the admission of orders. All functions are designed to save time for the sales representative, giving him more freedom to manage his customer relationships.
In addition to operational functionalities, SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales contains an integrated analytics component. This uses internal company data as well as external information (e.g. competing products) to provide various analyses. Some examples are
- Real-time analysis of your own sales performance
- What-if analyses for setting focal points (e.g. on the basis of opportunities)
- Foresighted analyses with machine learning (e.g. to forecast market trends and opportunities or to identify influencers)
- customer analyses
- Classic sales reports
Another notable feature of the SAP C4C component is its integration with common e- mail clients (such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes) and with social media platforms. In addition, SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales works seamlessly with SAP ERP, SAP CRM, and SAP JAM. The latter is a platform for collaboration in the enterprise, which contains classical functions of a social network.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Service
The second key component of SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer (SAP C4C) is SAP Hybris Cloud for Service. Its task is to support all aspects of customer service. In particular, the software takes into account the fact that customers today contact the service via a wide variety of communication channels. Often they even make service requests before the actual purchase process starts. Therefore, traditional channels are supported as well as modern contact possibilities - including social media, messenger services and chat functions on websites. We are therefore also talking about a multichannel service tool.
As far as field service is concerned, SAP Hybris Cloud for Service (also known as SAP C4S) includes a visual planning board that can be used to plan and manage technician deployments. The field service technicians themselves also receive mobile tools. For example, it is possible to receive service orders via smartphone, view solution information, call up spare parts inventories and order spare parts.
Service and customer support also benefit from extensive information stored directly with the respective customer. This includes customer profiles, preferences and an order and service history. The information collected also makes it possible to place tailor-made offers at the right time and to ensure individual support.
- Other features of SAP Hybris Cloud for Service are:
Self-service portal (customers solve service requests independently) - Collaborative problem solving using SAP Jam Communities
- knowledge base
- Mapping of Service Level Agreements, Contracts and Guarantee
What marketing capabilities does SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer offer?
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer is not a primary marketing tool. Nevertheless, itprovides some basic functions in this area. In this way, the system enables you todefine target groups and market segments. Another central element are the so-calledsales campaigns, which can be planned, created and executed with SAP C4C andevaluated on the basis of key figures. Standard e-mail and SMS campaigns aresupported. If required, the campaign can be activated using a multi-level approvalprocess. It is also possible to create sales documents such as leads, opportunities andquotations from campaigns in order to trigger subsequent processes.
What are the benefits of SAP C4C?
The advantages of SAP C4C lie on the one hand in the architecture, on the other handin the range of functions. Because it is a cloud-based customer relationshipmanagement solution that offers pre-defined processes and numerous integrationoptions, the software can be implemented faster than comparable on-premisesolutions. The introduction time is also shortened by the intuitive user interfaces,which make extensive training superfluous. And because it's Software-as-a-Service(SaaS), you don't have to invest in hardware, infrastructure or maintenance.
From a functional point of view, SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer is particularlyconvincing with its approach of realizing a holistic view of the customer. The systembrings sales and service together in a central software, whereby customers can belooked after individually and purposefully. In addition, data from different sourcescan be merged, resulting in extremely meaningful customer profiles. The numerousanalysis options, which are not only based on historical data but also allow AI-basedforecasts, are also advantageous. The fulfillment of customer needs is therebyadditionally optimized.
Last but not least the mobile availability of SAP C4C should be mentioned. Thesystem can be used via web browsers or mobile apps on iOS, Android and Blackberrydevices. Thus, real-time information is always available for the sales and service fieldservice. If there is no Internet connection at the moment, offline access is alsopossible.
SAP C4C vs. SAP CRM: What are the differences?
Unlike SAP C4C, SAP CRM is an on-premise product. It has been available since1997, has been extensively further developed since then and is used by numerouscompanies in all industries. However, due to the Cloud First strategy, developmentefforts are now concentrating on SAP C4C and SAP C/4HANA (see next section).
Companies that need to choose between on-premise and cloud should considerseveral criteria. First of all, it must be determined whether the system is to beoperated in-house or "as a service". The cost issue plays a particularly important rolehere. Mobility is also an important topic. Companies that want to implement MobileSales and Mobile Service make a better choice with SAP C4C. Although SAP CRMalso includes a mobile client, the technology is considered outdated. Also the surfaceslook somewhat outdated in comparison to the modern UI5 technology of SAP C4C.In practice, consultants are often called in to make a well-founded decision betweenthe two options.
SAP Hybris vs. SAP C/4HANA
SAP C/4HANA is the latest CRM generation from SAP. The system, which is alsocloud-based, replaces SAP Hybris and has closer integration with the current SAPS/4HANA backend. This allows even more information to flow into the 360-degreecustomer view than before. These include, for example, data from logistics, supplychain management, finance and e-commerce.
In addition, some user companies criticized SAP C4C for not fully supporting modernmarketing requirements. Among other things, there was a lack of opportunities formulti-level campaigns and campaign automation. C/4HANA also closes this gap.With regard to the components, the replacement of hybris by C/4HANA is as follows:
SAP Hybris Marketing becomes SAP Marketing Cloud.
SAP Hybris Commerce becomes SAP Commerce Cloud.
SAP Hybris Sales Cloud becomes SAP Sales Cloud.
SAP Hybris Service becomes SAP Service Cloud.
The SAP Customer Data Cloud (handling data protection and DSGVO issues) iscompletely new.
SAP C4C vs. Salesforce
As a cloud CRM solution, SAP C4C competes with other established Web-basedCRM solutions from vendors such as, Microsoft, and Oracle. Thedirect comparison between SAP C4C and Salesforce has the highest relevance. In thebasic functions, the two solutions are almost identical. In conjunction with SAP JAM,C4C offers a "Social CRM" that goes beyond the capabilities of Salesforce. Theinterfaces of the SAP solution can be described as modern and more ergonomic. C4C
also performs better in end-to-end integration with SAP ERP, which is not surprising.This advantage comes to bear in particular with updates, which always lead toadaptation costs for the interfaces of third-party providers. Salesforce, on the otherhand, scores with high reliability and performance, but at a price because a standardlicense only covers a certain volume of data.
As far as reporting is concerned, SAP C4C also offers more options than thecompetitor product. In addition, Salesforce cannot evaluate archived (older) data andreports do not go beyond individual objects such as opportunities.

Meinolf Schäfer, Senior Director Sales & Marketing
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